FORT WAYNE, IN – Today, Sunday, May 11, we’re celebrating Mother’s Day in the U.S. Here in Indiana, during rugby season, Saturdays are generally reserved for boys’ contests while Sundays feature girls’ contests. Today, I’m lucky enough to be at a rugby pitch celebrating Mother’s Day with many fellow rugby moms. And I thought, what better way to celebrate this special day and these special women with rugby thoughts from a few of my favorite rugby moms and ruggers. Hope you enjoy them!
“How do I love thee rugby? Let me count the ways… I love the passion it inspires and the sound of the full-throated crowd as our team streaks to glory (though not, sadly, away from home). I love the smell of the stadium and the thrill of the chase as I find the perfect spot on the sidelines. Above all, I love the fact that in a year’s time, our son will finally be able to join our town’s rugby club. Will he fulfill the paediatrician’s prediction that he’ll be among the Castres Olympique second row? Here’s hoping… Happy Mother’s Day to one and all!”
– Scheenagh, proud rugby wife and future all-star rugby mum
“I have enjoyed watching my son mature and grow, not only physically but mentally as well. I know it has a lot to do with the awesome coach he has, but it is also a reflection of the “international fraternity” that exists with rugby players. Our motto this year is “Family”, and it is so fitting with the group of young men on our team, many of which have played several sports together over the years. I see a difference in them when playing rugby, and it’s a good thing. And as I said before… I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and know it will be over soon, which I dread.”
– Jill, proud rugby mom
“When my son began playing rugby, I was not an active supporter of his participation. After seeing the satisfaction my son would have after a hard-earned win, I had to start becoming more involved. Over the last several years, I have been privileged to watch my son be a part of good sportsmanship, camaraderie, and a family playing rugby. He has made close friends and pushed himself physically and mentally. He has developed leadership skills as a team captain. As he is getting ready to graduate, I have seen the many benefits of rugby.”
– Heather, proud rugby mom
“My daughter brags about her bruises. She loves to play and show me her bruises. And I love to see her smile!”
– Tracy, proud rugby mom
“My son Roberto discovered rugby in Jr. High, and I have been a fan ever since. This is a fast-paced game, not much down time at all. I love the fellowship, everyone pitching in to help, feeding the teams after games. The tournaments are the best and the boys get to travel sometimes, like when they are on a 7s team. It builds character unlike any other sport. Also, no matter what position you play, everyone can run the ball. I loved learning this sport. I’m a rugby mom for life! Ruck on!”
– Robin, proud rugby mom
And from a few wonderful rugger sons ….
“In New Zealand, part of pretty much every Mum’s life is taking their kids to play rugby at some stage of their life, which means waking up early on Saturday mornings and standing in some pretty awful winter conditions.
My mum remembers: ‘It was always so freezing but it was worth it to watch Jamie play, even if he wasn’t as good as the other boys and never scored a try.’
Mum was always worried that I’d get knocked out, so when I did I would always lie to her and say I was just having a rest to stop her from worrying.”
– Jamie, rugby player, son of a very proud rugby mum
“I don’t have many specific memories that involve both my mom and rugby. But, she has three Rugger Children, so she certainly offered plenty of support to us as we played over the years. I talked to my sister who remarked that she never heard Mom say, “Don’t get hurt” or “Be careful.” That doesn’t mean she didn’t want us to be careful or stay healthy-she just let us focus on the challenge and the opportunity without letting the risk outweigh the reward. This “sure, you can do it” attitude wasn’t limited to rugby. My mom, Jane Thurston, encouraged us to find the things that made us happy and seemed to draw satisfaction and pride from our love of rugby. For this and so much more, I am thankful on this Mother’s Day.”
– James, rugby player, son of a very proud rugby mom
“My mother came to one game – college playoffs (SUNY Buffalo vs the bad guys from Dartmouth) in the Bronx… Van Courtland Park… Our wing, Pete Walier (brother to the Buffalo rugby brothers that played with Old Blue and Buffalo; Jim, John, Andy, Joe and Matt), got smashed in the nose covering a loose ball in an extremely rare way and was writhing on the ground yelling… This was minutes into the match. Yours truly got knocked out with a knee injury just after the half… Afterwards, she had only one thing to say, “Barbarians! You people are barbarians!” That was her first and last match.”
– Matt, rugby player, son of a very loving rugby mom
I think I can relate to every single one of these thoughts here. We mums worry, no doubt, but we love seeing our kids with smiles on their faces! A toast to all of you rugby mums: Thank you for allowing your child to play this wonderful sport! Cheers!
That’s it for now. Feel free to comment below, please look for and “Like” our Facebook Rugby Wrap Up Page and follow us on Twitter@:RugbyWrapUp, Junoir Blaber, Nick Hall, James Harrington, Jamie Wall, Jaime Loyd, DJ Eberle, Cody Kuxmann, Karen Ritter, Jake Frechette and Declan Yeats, respectively.