On Camera Exclusive: Former USA Rugby Head Coach Mike Tolkin Opens Up

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Matt McCarthy and Mike Tolkin

NEW YORK, NY – Former USA Rugby Men’s Eagles 15s Head Coach Mike Tolkin has been laying low since being replaced. In this Exclusive On-Camera interview, he answers fan questions and opens up about the following with our Matt McCarthy:

-His dismissal
-His relationship with out-going USAR CEO Nigel Melville
-The situation with longtime Eagles Captain Todd Clever
-Lessons learned from the Rugby World Cup
-The domestic set-up for the USA

Here’s the piece, please share it with your mates:

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Global Rugby Coverage; Sometimes With a Wink. Rugby Wrap Up is a platform for weekly on-camera studio shows and podcasts, headquartered in NYC.  Acclaimed shows like The Rugby Odds and MLR Weekly, we have the game's biggest names on camera, breaking stories and informative columns... and we're growing on a daily basis.