Rugby TV and Podcast: USA Rugby Congress Update – Steve Lewis Lowers Boom… Again

USA Rugby Congress Update: Steve Lewis Lowers Boom - Again | RUGBY WRAP UP
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USA Rugby Congress Update: Steve Lewis Lowers Boom - Again | RUGBY WRAP UP
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NEW YORK, NY – Things are getting interesting – not that they haven’t been already – with all things on the USA Rugby governance front. And Steve @LizardRugby Lewis is right in the middle of it as a fire-n-brimstone USAR Congressman and Committee member. With global rugby pro-turned MLR coach Kees Lensing and host Matt McCarthy lending ears, Lewis lowers the boom. His frustrations and hopes collide in this Week 65 segment of our Fantasy Sports Network show, and it’s worth checking out – even if you’re not up to speed on all the behind-the-scenes machinations of the entities charged with making all Eagles teams competitive and steering America’s amateur rugby growth.

*Watch or download as a Podcast.


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