NEW YORK, NY – We’ve all had a year of understanding that every-day-life is more important than the things that entertain us. For those reading this, that includes our beloved rugby. However, it certainly doesn’t make hearing the news that Rugby United NY Head Coach Greg McWilliams is stepping away from rugby for the sake of his family, any easier.
If you’ve ever been around Greg for any amount of time, you’re automatically better off for the experience. Your lot in life instantly improved. He’s engaging, charming, humble and kind. Look up Renaissance Man and your search may just land on a picture of Mr. McWilliams, draped in a #RUNY hoodie, guitar in hand. Simply put, he’s a good man. And he’s a damn good rugby man.
With his wife not well and toddler twins demanding attention, continuing to answer the call as good husband to his ailing Sarah, as a good dad for their lovely twins and as the top-notch coach of a professional rugby team in a NYC COVID bubble, this move was likely more inevitable than any of us cared to admit.
Sometimes we get cheated in life, and that’s the way I feel now. I feel cheated in that I won’t get to work with a man that has become a friend. I feel cheated that I won’t see him doing what he’s worked so hard to finally do. I feel cheated for not getting to see him next to the likes of The Butcher after a win…
But it’s just rugby, folks. It’s just a game. We can live without it. We can’t live without our loved ones. Sarah and the twins are calling and a good man is answering, as he sould.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, brother.
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.