The Rugby Odds: RWC Round 5: Joe Schmidt Rubbish? Scots To Beat Irish? Japan Favorites?

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PARIS, FRANCE  – Round 5 of the Rugby World Cup is here in a snap, but it took us forever to get over here! BUT… The Rugby Odds is indeed in France now and this weeks show will not disappoint. Irish rugby legend George Hook is back with his je ne said quoi. WWE Legend-turned Rugby Ambassador, John Bradshaw Layfield, gets emotional. King Gift Egbelu and Matt “Money” McCarthy offer their pearls and picks, including the NPC playoffs.

-A Hook to Joe Schmidt’s jaw
-Tier 2 RWC
-24-Team RWC
-Fijian Flop
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-NPC Playoffs
-Wooden Spoon
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About Alan Smithee 149 Articles
Alan Smithee handles rugby stories from all corners of the globe, at times with unpopular opinions.