Every Tuesday, England 7s star Mathew Drew Turner takes on the role of pesky reporter for RWU.
LONDON, ENGLAND – This week on RWU I have the Fast running Fast talking but ridiculously *shbearded Daniel Norton, to answer a few questions:
MDT: Why did you start playing rugby?
DN: My Dad was a avid fan of rugby. He played and coached and pressured me into taking up the sport! Which was a good decision by him – so my Mom says. She thinks I am great.

MDT: Who is your all-time favourite player?
DN: For 7s it’s either William Ryder or Waisale Serevi – just the disgusting feet and ability to beat people with ease and style. In 15s it would be Jason Robinson for the same reason.
MDT: Which of the IRB 7s tournaments do like the best and why? You can’t pick London…
DN: Hong Kong. Only been there once but the atmosphere during and leading up to the event is amazing – nowhere else like it… and probably Wellington, due to the crazy party atmosphere!! I don’t know of many sporting events that close down the centre of the town for one big party.

MDT: In the Olympics, Great Brittan’s entry will include players from Wales and Scotland – countries that we compete against in the IRB 7s. What do you think about that?
DN: I think it is a good thing. Being able to pick the best players from these countries will only make the squad stronger, but obviously making getting selected a lot harder. I do like a challenge though!
MDT: Who is the best 7s player from New Zealand? South Africa? The USA?
DN: Tomasi Cama, Cecil Afrika and Reggie Bush, baby!

MDT: How will Ireland fare in the IRB 7s this year?
DN: I didn’t realize they were even involved this year?
MDT: They aren’t. That was a trick question. Ha!
MDT: Who on our team would be a good Prime Minister?
DN: James Rodwell. He is pro-ginger, so the Population of Gingers will vote for him straight away – he has already got 3 votes within our team – and he loves a debate and reasoning for reasoning’s sake (nausea).
MDT: Who would be a good lawyer?
DN: Simon Hunt because he is happy to talk you to death, so you give up well before he has even got you into court. There is a rumor that he once talked a pensioner to death whilst playing a game of chess. He is also willing to do anything for a little extra cash!!
MDT: Who would be the best male cheerleader?
DN: The late Dan Caprice or his Brother John Brake, both in touch with their feminine side and love a dance (there is video evidence).

MDT: Why will England win the World Cup?
DN: They have been keeping under the radar and will be the surprise package of the the World Cup, I believe. The right players have to be selected though. England have both a terrority game and a running game, with outside backs like [Ben] Foden and [Chris] Ashton who can strike from anywhere. Then you have the likes of the Manu Tuilagi, who brings in a more direct and physical approach.
MDT: If you had a good looking sister, would you let me date her? How about your girlfriend – if you broke up?
DN: Yeah. Why not? Share and share alike, but only if you let me borrow your sister on the weekends. P.s… Here’s your Mom’s change from the other night. I borrowed money – not what you were thinking.
MDT: Who’s the cheapest guy on our team? Present company excluded.
DN: I would say myself but that would be cheating… Probably James Rodwell. He has moths growing in his wallet and he is also saving up for an engagement ring for his GF, so he doesn’t take his wallet out for love nor money. I’m still waiting for the birthday drink he promised me.
MDT: Thanks for that, Dan.
DN: Pleasure.
*shbeard – sh!t beard!