Every week, England 7s star Mathew Drew Turner takes on the role of brazen, if not cheeky, reporter for RWU. Left, he skips though Sri Lanka, where he is playing in/reporting from the Carlton 7s. Follow him and us on Twitter: @Mat_turner11 & @RugbyWrapUp
KANDY, SRI LANKA – I’m sorry it’s been so long since I last submitted an article but lots has been happening and I’ve have found myself in a lot of strange situations. Luckily, I managed to talk my way out of most of the situations whilst just going about my business of saving the world by putting my body on the line… You know, just everyday stuff for me.
Like I said mentioned, so much has transpired in the past few weeks but first and foremost, a big congratulation must go out to the Kiwi boys [NZ Sevens] for winning the HSBC World Series and to Gordon Tietjens for being inducted into the rugby hall of fame. He is the 49th person ever to be inducted into the Rugby Hall of Fame and that shows how great of an achievement it is.

Now to the important stuff; Gossiping about my teammates!
After a long season with more highs than lows, I can tell you this: I scored 1 more try than Dan Norton this season…
Red John Brake is still missing after the team social
James Rodwell (@James_Rodwell) finally actually proposed to his girl! Big congratulations goes out to them (I always knew you had it in you, Jimbo) but I must say I did start to worry and think you could have been playing for the other team. Ahem. 😉
Dan Norton (@Dan_Norton4) actually paid for a holiday with his own money.
Chris Cracknell (@chriscracknell) under went multiple surgeries on various body parts and lets just say he asked for a little extra.
Rob Vickerman (@robvickerman) saw a seagull in Hull.
Russell Earnshaw was named the angriest man in Sri Lanka over last weekend and tried to bring in the up-and-under into the game of sevens… what was he thinking?!

To all you American rugby fans out there, I have been lucky enough to spend the last week with Zachary Test (@ZTesty5). I can now confidently say it’s not true what they say about all you Canadians – you are actually not that bad.
Next week, I’ll give you all an In-depth look into the Carlton Sevens, in which I’m currently playing.
The young lady in the video is the Bond Girl to my Austin Powers.