CAPE TOWN, S.A. – Good morning, good evening and top of the morning to you all. I’m finally back to reality now after spending two weeks in Sri Lanka running around IN what felt like Fat Camp for me, losing 5kgs (11.0231131 pounds) in 2 weeks. I recommend it to all wanting to lose weight. From there I was lucky enough to go to The Maldives with my other half for a little romantic get away, but enough about me and my tough life.
As all this was happening the rest of the team were off playing in the European tournaments. Where they smashed every team that came up against them, which is worrying for me, I might not have a job next season now but every team needs a water boy. Where do I sign up?
On a positive note if the boys are playing well now it makes me really excited for the upcoming season and I think we can do better than any England team has done in the past.
Its the Junior World Cup in South Africa at the moment and all the worlds future talent has been on show. I’ve been lucky enough to watch a few of the games and by the looks of these players I’m going to be hanging my boots up a lot earlier than I thought.
The final is the Friday where yet again New Zealand are in the final against the home team South Africa, which is the first time S.A. have made the final. Its going to be a cracking game where both teams will give it there all
A few things that have happened in the team:
Dan Norton and James Rodwell both got engaged… [moment] Not to each other…

Simon Hunt finally stopped talking about his stag and actually had it.
Chris Cracknell finally has a body that fully works and this has sparked him to enter the bachelor.
Sam Edgerly was named The Brown Dwarf by the locals of The Maldives.
Ben Ryan was spotted on a beach without his shirt on.
That’s all for now… Till next time keep doing what your doing and make sure you’ve got a smile on your face while doing it.