LONDON, ENGLAND – It’s good to be back on RWU! To say it’s been ages would be an understatement. Unfortunately, I’m not on the pitch again yet. In fact, the last time I reported in I had two working ankles and the All Blacks were on a ridiculous unbeaten run.

Anyway, Johnathan Wicklow Barberie’s carrier pigeon finally made it my way with these questions, so answering them is the least I can do.
JWB: Since you’ve been with England 7s, how many games had you missed, prior to this injury, due to injury?
MDT: Would have been the beginning of the season of 2009/2010. Haven’t missed a tourney since then… well, until I managed to break my ankle.
JWB: Where did you have the surgery and where are you doing the rehab? Any hot nurses? Not that you’re interested in that sort of thing.
MDT: Had it done at a place called Hampshire Clinic by a surgeon named James Calder. No hot nurses… well, only my beautiful girl friend when I got home 😉 You met her in Vegas, JWB.
JWB: Yes. I do remember pouting because she rightfully held your attention more than I did! But she’s forgiven as long as you set me up with her great aunt. Now, what are the top three things that you miss most about being on tour with the team?
MDT: Sorry, but her great aunt is spoken for. She’s great, after all. As for the top three things:
1) I miss Dan Norton and his ability to make me laugh at him rather than with him. He is a weirdo.
2) I miss being able to throw a ball around with a bunch of friends in a hot country.
3) The main thing I miss is the feeling I get running onto the field! It can’t be explained.

JWB: Are you and Cracknell rehabbing together? Do you let him handle the remote when watching tellie? Does he whine a lot?
MDT: We are kind of doing rehab together but no we don’t have time for tellie. We’re completely focused on the rehab, the coffee shops, current affairs, Kate’s pregnancy… Oh, and the fact that the world doesn’t become anymore 3D when you put 3D glasses on. Mind blowing!
JWB: Indeed! Where do you stay during rehab? What’s it like? A dorm room? Do you have a roomie?
MDT: Haha… Na, we stay at our own homes and travel in everyday for rehab, so it’s not that bad. It’s not like we’re in the marines or something.
JWB: Do you miss rooming with Ben Gollings now that he’s off gallivanting with Serevi in their “Elite” guys tournaments?
MDT: I do miss the old man but I don’t miss the smell of the room. He’s a little stinky man! I also don’t miss him being on his phone all the time… All I wanted was some Ben and Mat time, but it never came.
JWB: When England beat New Zealand at Twickenham last week, were you as insufferable as the rest of England?
MDT: No I wasn’t, I was still drinking the misery of our performance at the Dubai 7s. But this weekend coming up in Port Elizabeth, I know the boys will sort everything out and come out on fire! And don’t aim that at John Brake, James Rodwell and Ben Ryan.
JWB: Fair enough… But when England take on South Africa in 15s, who do you root for? You are half Springbok, right?
MDT: I’m half South African but 100% an England supporter. I wouldn’t play for the country if i wasn’t. If I played for the cricket team it could be different.
JWB: Have you gotten fat?
MDT: The term “gotten” makes it impossible for me to answer because it is saying I wasn’t fat before.
JWB: You are the humble one! But doesn’t all the talk about Daniel Norton being so fast tick you off and will you challenge him to a RugbyWrapUp.com race to settle this whole bugaboo in Vegas?
MDT: Na… I don’t mind it really. All I know is if there is a Zombie Apocalypse, he’ll get caught first. That’s a big enough reward for me… Plus it’s 38-37 to me… my bad! haha