NEW YORK, NY – Yesterday was Patriots’ Day in the city of Boston. For those that don’t know, Patriots’ Day is a massive mini-independence day celebration in one of America’s oldest cities. The Boston Marathon is run early in the day, the Red Sox play a “brunch” game, followed by the Celtics and capped off with the Bruins playing.

Yesterday’s Patriots’ Day will be one to remember, since somebody decided to attack the Boston Marathon. I won’t speculate on who did it or their motives. Frankly, I could care less either way. Their reasons/rationale are simply wrong.
There is lot of emotion and I find myself speechless, which is rare for me. I’m disappointed that just as things get back to normal, we have another attack. There is anger at the tragedy and sadness for the loss of life.
I do take solace in one thing, though: This is America… And I don’t mean the stuff the politicians regurgitate whenever there is a microphone about – but what real people feel. You see, people in this country have been and are often lulled to sleep by its progress and dominance as a world leader. However, when some group thinks that it can attack its people without recourse, it awakens a sleeping dog – check that… a sleeping grizzly. And that grizzly is ready. It’s rugby ready. And America? America is Rugby Tough.

Whatever the message or reason for the attack, the city of Boston, the state of Massachusetts and these United States – the country that took me a boy from West Ghana, in – won’t tremble from fear. In fact, the biggest blow to the terrorists is that we will go on living our lives. We will go on doing so because we know we will get our revenge and capture or kill the person(s) responsible, as we have done after every terrorist attack.
I finally got my US citizenship in 2002 and it was a proud day for me and my parents. This country has afforded me a lot of good fortune and opportunity. Like any country, this one has its flaws but it is one I am proud to be a citizen of. The revenge will be swift and merciless. I am assured.
And just so those know we mean what we say, look for a special edition video with Warren Gatland to come out today – ahead of schedule!