USA Rugby Eagles vs All Blacks: Predictions and Talk Trash?

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Screen shot 2014-10-26 at 11.22.03 AMNEW YORK, NY – As we finalize our travel arrangements, pack the clothes we’ll need – including a Halloween costume – and try not to get too giddy over the history we’ll be witnessing first-hand next Saturday when the USA Rugby Eagles take on the New Zealand All Blacks, we can’t help but wonder what these last pre-match days will be like.

-Will there be any controversy beyond the likes of what Jake Frechette started with this column?
-Will there be any fallout from the Solider Field faithful’s reaction to the haka?
-Will there be any inflammatory comments?
-Will there be any last-minute, shrouded-in-mystery lineup changes?
-Will there be any trash talk?

Well, we’ve got an answer for the last one via Twitter as per our mates over at Here’s there tweet:

Now, the obvious reaction is to call these brash Americans on the numeric impossibility of a team getting two points in a rugby match, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t allow that Jamie Walla Kiwi living in Auckland – proposed this score earlier in the week… for the Eagles. Later in the week, he went as far to predict a margin of victory for the visitors of at least 57 points.
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And there you have it. Some good ol’ fashioned trash talk and predictions from fans of both teams and we’re right smack-dab in the middle of it all… and loving it.

What is your prediction? If you get the score right, we’ll send you a prize.

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