‘Twas the night before Christmas, and through all the rugby world,
Visions of championships and rugby gifts swirled.
Homes were decked out for the holiday fests,
And cupboards were stocked mightily for holiday guests.
Nestled under the tree, for excited guests to see,
Beautifully wrapped gifts rested patiently.
Rich baking aromas saturated the senses,
And mistletoe hung for those taking their chances.
As the anticipation mounted, the meals complete,
The unwrapping began with a frenzy not to be beat!
With twinkling eyes, and childlike glee,
The stockings and packages were opened happily!
The stockings were filled with tickets galore;
For competitions on nearly every shore!
Atlanta 7s, USA Sevens Las Vegas, and 2015 RWC…
Not to mention Premiership, Top 14, & Super Rugby!
Junior received a signed Niagra Flag Rugby ball;
And James opened a Top 14 Castres Olympique flag for his wall.
A new computer and microphone were perfect for Matt,
And Jake reveled in his new Philly CRC hat.
Jamie W. cherished his new All Blacks Home jersey;
Jamie L. hastily framed his 2015 RWC ticket to Wembly.
Cody’s referee whistle was upgraded to gold,
And DJ’s thrill at a USA Eagles jersey was a sight to behold.
Nick loved his European Rugby Champions Cup garb,
And her new 2014 WRWC key ring Scheenagh carefully did guard.
As for me, I adored my new Rugby Ball Sack;
And we all wondered what else would be in Santa’s pack?
2015 and the Rugby World Cup will soon be here.
And 2016 will bring us the Olympics with Rugby 7s to cheer.
While we wait, balls may change looks, and laws may be altered;
But our love for this sport will never falter.
As this year winds down, and we reflect on the past,
Our wishes for love, peace and goodwill hold fast.
And so, to you and yours, a hearty holiday wish,
For a bright and merry season, and a new year rich!
That’s it for now. Feel free to comment below, look for and “Like” our Facebook Rugby Wrap Up Page and follow us on Twitter@: RugbyWrapUp, Junoir Blaber, DJ Eberle, Nick Hall, James Harrington, Cody Kuxmann, Jaime Loyd, Karen Ritter , Jamie Wall, Jake Frechette and Declan Yeats, respectively.
P.s… In case you missed our Rugby Wrap Up Radio launch, here it is. If you can’t listen now, please download and listen at your leisure. Use the play below for either choice.