MLR Weekly: New England Again! Hooker Andrew Quattrin Sneaks From Party For Us, Opinion, Highlights

MLR Weekly
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QUINCY, MA – This quaint New England town in the shadows of Boston started shaking Monday night, and it hasn’t stopped. “Earthquake?” you ask. No – not in the traditional sense. These tremors are the aftershocks of the New England Free Jacks rocking the rugby world by returning home with their 2nd consecutive Major League Rugby Shield. It began with a police escort from the airport late Monday night, and continues on right up to Sunday’s parade. MLR Weekly gives you a glimpse, as New England’s star hooker, Andrew Quattrin takes time out from celebrating to join Matt McCarthy for a fun interview.
-John Fitzpatrick of Rugby Morning
Bryan Ray of Americas Rugby News
The Rugby Network Play of the Week
Rugby’s Best Recap



Rugby Wrap Up · MLR Weekly: New England Again! Hooker Andrew Quattrin Sneaks From Party For Us, Opinion, Highlights

And don’t missThe Rugby Odds!

NEW YORK, NY – With the Major League Rugby season ending with a record crowd in San Diego, the kickoffs of The Rugby Championship & NPC upon us, and the aftermath of the Olympics, there is plenty of rugby to talk about. Not the eclectic The Rugby Odds All-Star panel of #WWE Hall of Famer/Rugby Advocate John Bradshaw Layfield, Irish legend George Hook, King Gift Egbelu, Steve “The Lizard” Lewis and Matt “Money” McCarthy is ever at a loss for words.

24-15 Record
Free Jacks Win MLR
USA Military [Old Breed] vs John
George & Steve kvetch re 15s vs 7s
Gift Rants re Ilona Maher marketing
Greatest American Rugby Moment
The Rugby Championship
Wooden Spoon
Picks of the Week



BIG THANKS to Zac Buhro and Zach Lanning for their toil on this.
About Alan Smithee 132 Articles
Alan Smithee handles rugby stories from all corners of the globe, at times with unpopular opinions.