Rugby TV and Podcast: #USAv SCO Debate, Mud-Slinging, Predictions from fired-up trio of Steve Lewis, Martin Pengelly, Matt McCarthy

Rugby TV and Podcast: #USAvSCO Debate, Mud-Slinging, Predictions from fired-up trio of Steve Lewis, Martin Pengelly, Matt McCarthy

June 16, 2018 Matt McCarthy 0

NEW YORK, NY – What do you get when have have a Scotsman, Englishman and an American on mic when International Test time arrives? You […]

Rugby TV and Podcast: Changing Lives Via Rugby: Mark Griffin of Play Rugby USA

Rugby TV and Podcast: Changing Lives Via Rugby: Mark Griffin of Play Rugby USA

June 16, 2018 Matt McCarthy 0

RANDALL’S ISLAND, NY – In life, there are people that make a difference. Simply put, Mark Griffin and his growing team at Play Rugby USA, […]

Rugby TV and Podcast: Major League Rugby Banter/Predictions/Highlights by Lewis, Pengelly, Blaber, McCarthy #MLR, Rugby_Wrap_Up

Rugby TV and Podcast: Major League Rugby Banter/Predictions/Highlights by Lewis, Pengelly, Blaber, McCarthy

June 13, 2018 RWU 0

NEW YORK, NY – In Week 51 of our Fantasy Sports Network show,  The Four Horsemen of Rugby (not really), Steve Lewis, Martin Pengelly, Rugby […]

USA Rugby Congress & Board: Fed-Up Steve Lewis Fires Away | RUGBY WRAP UP

Rugby TV and Podcast: USA Rugby Congress & Board: Steve Lewis Blisters Members, Process

June 8, 2018 Matt McCarthy 0

NEW YORK, NY – With the coals still simmering after Doug Schoninger scorched the Earth with his lawsuit(s) on USA Rugby, RIM and various individuals, […]

Wales v Springboks, Rugby_Wra_Up

Rugby TV and Podcast: CRC 7s, Heated Wales v Springboks Debate, MLR MVP, Predictions, Highlights

June 8, 2018 Matt McCarthy 0

NEW YORK: Another week (50) of our Fantasy Sports Network show is in the books, and it was chock full of goodies. From Major League […]

Washinton-DC-Major-League-Rugby, Rugby_Wrap_up

Rugby TV, Podcast: Major League Rugby in Washington. Paul Sheehy and Chris Dunlavey

June 1, 2018 Matt McCarthy 0

NEW YORK, NY – Rounding out Week 49 of our Fantasy Sports Network show, we have Paul Sheehy and Chris Dunlavey, partners in the Major […]