VIDEO: How Rugby Wrap Up started with Johnathan Wicklow Barberie and Declan Yeats

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Johnathan_Wicklow_Barberie and Declan_Yeats Rugby_Wrap_Up
AUCKLAND, NZ – It seems like just yesterday, but in fact it was quite some time ago. A young, ambitious rugby reporter named Johnathan Wicklow Barberie was whetting his whistle behind the mic, while a notorious Declan Yeats was winding up his playing career Down Under… But then there worlds collided, and years later they were thrust into the American Rugby scene by our partners over at

Here’s the flashback in time that started it all:

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Global Rugby Coverage; Sometimes With a Wink. Rugby Wrap Up is a platform for weekly on-camera studio shows and podcasts, headquartered in NYC.  Acclaimed shows like The Rugby Odds and MLR Weekly, we have the game's biggest names on camera, breaking stories and informative columns... and we're growing on a daily basis.