VIDEO: USA Rugby Star Mike Petri Live on the Pitch

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Mike Petri and Mat McCarthy on Rugby Wrap UpNEW YORK, NY – Apologies for not having this out sooner but we had a perfect storm of chaos after our RWU computers crashed simultaneously… Thank the Nerd World for Data Recovery… Speaking of recoveries, USA Rugby scrumhalf Mike Petri spoke to our Matt McCarthy live on the pitch re a difficult loss to Scotland and what we should look look for going forward.

Be sure to see the Scott LaValla interview below and the Seamus Kelly and Vern Cotter interviews – which will be up later today.

An obviously disappointed Mike Petri, Jr. greets fans, friends and family as Mike Petri, Sr. looks on…

Mike Petri and Mike Petri on Rugby Wrap Up

That’s it for now. Feel free to comment below, please look for and “Like” our Facebook Rugby Wrap Up Page and follow us on Twitter@: RugbyWrapUp, Junoir Blaber, Nick Hall, James Harrington, Jamie Wall, Jaime Loyd, DJ Eberle, Cody Kuxmann, Karen Ritter, Jake Frechette and Declan Yeats, respectively.

Here’s Team USA Lock/Flanker, Scott LaValla:

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Global Rugby Coverage; Sometimes With a Wink. Rugby Wrap Up is a platform for weekly on-camera studio shows and podcasts, headquartered in NYC.  Acclaimed shows like The Rugby Odds and MLR Weekly, we have the game's biggest names on camera, breaking stories and informative columns... and we're growing on a daily basis.