Every Tuesday, England 7s star Mathew Drew Turner takes on the role of brazen, if not cheeky, reporter for RWU.
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – This week I’m back in sunny Cape Town with John Brake having a break… You see what I’ve done there? Anyway, we’re getting some R & R and taking a breather from The World of Rugby, and what better place to do it that in Cape Town over the December holidays? With that, let’s take an intimate look at the Last 2 weeks on tour in terms of the inner world of the England Sevens Squad – just don’t tell anybody that you heard this stuff from me…
Firstly, let’s talk Rugby. Dubai was unbelievable – as I told you all last week – and to be honest, Port Elizabeth was good too. The stadium was unreal and the crowd was amazing. I was amazed by how many Kiwi supporters there were and believe there is a deep story behind the reason for that… but I will not get into that. Unfortunately, we couldn’t repeat our success of Dubai. We narrowly lost to New Zealand in the semi finals, but that’s the beauty of sevens – there are so many teams that can win on their day.
Now to the more interesting part of this week’s piece.
Dan Norton has been labeled The Social Hand Grenade and could possibly have the worst pick-up lines out there! I’m sure he won’t mind telling you them if you ask.

Nick Royle successfully sat at the corner and the head of a circle, whilst drinking Cava with all the Fijian team. (Think about it). Oh, and he left his wedding ring in England. Coincidence? I think not.
Marcus Watson was called Daniel Watson, Marcus Norton, Dan Caprice, Damu Damu Watson, Cleveland Brown, Blolly and Brian.
Christian Lewis-Pratt survived 3 weeks in a room with Simon Hunt that’s also known as Hibernation and has been infected by The Hunt Twitch.
Tom Powell has started his process of turning into an avatar and is going to have the world’s highest phone bill, thanks his Little Princess… or is it Tulip?

James Rodwell was found metal-detecting the Port Elizabeth beach after Nick Royle told him thousands of wedding rings are found on beaches every year.
John Brake shed a tear at the airport saying good-bye to Mynadz.
Russell Earnshaw, aka Rusty Earnjaw, found the Coka Cola factory in Port Elizabeth… and still hasn’t returned. The factory is actually situated next to the Cadburys factory. That’s like heaven for him.
I’m sure all the boys have finally returned home after a crazy-long flight back to the U.K., which took them from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg where they had a 5 hour wait then they flew to Dubai, and then from there finally to Heathrow in London, amassing a massive 26 hours of flying – which I’m glad I didn’t have to be a part of. For the record, John and I are flying direct back to London. (Guilty)…
Next week I’m going to give the whole video interview thing a go, be prepared for some interesting stuff. Please comment below and help us out by talking RWU up with your mates. Tomorrow, Team Wales allegedly will be represented. Be sure to look in on that.